Section 8 ERROR MESSAGES This section covers the following error messages: 1. "... the Iomega Driver cannot load ..." 2. "... Iomega Tools cannot load ..." 3. "... [disk] is being shared ..." –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Section 8.1 "... the Iomega Driver cannot load ..." You will see the following dialog box at startup if the 4.2 Driver is installed in the startup disk System Folder but is unable to load because a different version of the Iomega Driver is already loaded.   This indicates that another version of the Iomega Driver higher than 4.0 is present either in the System Folder or on a disk which is inserted at startup. Refer to Section 7.1.2 for problem-solving help. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Section 8.2 "... Iomega Tools cannot load ..." Iomega Tools will be unable to run if: • You try to run Iomega Tools and the Iomega Driver is not loaded on the system. • You try to run a version of Iomega Tools different from the version of the Driver currently loaded on the system. • You try to run Iomega Tools and the Iomega Driver is unable to find any supported drives (Zip, Floptical, or LaserSafe Plus). • You try to run Iomega Tools on a Macintosh that does not meet the minimum system requirements listed in Section 2.1 of this manual. The dialog box containing the error message will indicate the problem. Section 8.2.1 Iomega Driver Not Loaded You will see the following dialog box if you try to run Iomega Tools when the Iomega Driver is not loaded on the system:   You can run the Iomega Guest program to load the Driver. If Iomega Guest does not load successfully because it cannot locate a supported drive, refer to the problem solving suggestions in Section 7.1.1. Section 8.2.2 Different Iomega Tools and Driver Versions You will see the following dialog box if you try to run Iomega Tools when a different version of the Driver is loaded on the system:   This is a safety feature to ensure that the Driver and Iomega Tools will work together correctly. • Make sure you are running the latest version of Iomega Tools – it should be located in the Iomega Zip Tools folder on your startup disk. To check the version number for Iomega Tools, select the Tools icon from the Finder, then select Get Info from the File menu. Remove any old versions of Iomega Tools from the system to prevent confusion.   • Make sure the latest version of the Driver is loaded on the system. To identify the version currently loaded, select a Zip disk icon in the Finder, then select Get Info from the File menu. The version number appears in parentheses at the end of the line titled Where.   If an old version of the Driver is loaded, locate it and remove it from the system. Refer to Section 7.1.2 for detailed information. Section 8.2.3 Iomega Tools cannot find a Zip drive. If you try to run Iomega Tools and the Driver is unable to find any Zip drives, you will see the following dialog box:   The Driver cannot find a drive if: • No Zip drives are connected to the Macintosh. • A hardware problem keeps the Macintosh from recognizing the Zip drive. Try the hardware solutions listed in Section 7.1.1. • A non-Iomega driver is controlling the Zip drive. Refer to Section 7.1.3 for problem-solving information.   –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Section 8.3 "... [disk] is being shared ..." This message appears if you try to put away a Zip disk and you are using System 7 file sharing, even if you are not sharing the Zip disk. The problem is that System 7 file sharing does not support removability. Refer to Section 6.2 for information on how to use System 7 file sharing with your Zip drive.